Friday, March 18, 2011

Second Journal Post Second Term

If you could give any gift in the world...what it be and to whom would you give it to?

If I could give any gift in the world I would give the gift of my family being able to live out their dreams. Peyton could come lives near me at the beach and our mommy and daddy could get a boat and pay off debt. Sometimes, dreams are so hard to reach and I would just give that to them like a genie in a bottle! I want my family to be so happy and so I would give them that gift!

Monday, March 14, 2011

First Journal of Second Term

What advice would I give to new students?
The advice I would give to new students is take this class seriously and with an open heart.  You can get a lot out of this class if you try to be a better person and build your character while learning about it! Students should be open about how they feel and listen to eachother. We all respect eachother and try to compromise the best we can.  So just let your mind run free and be as curious as can be!

Friday, March 11, 2011


I absolutely love spending quality time with my family. Mommy, Peyton, Emma, Bekah, Stephie, Pia, Auggie, Kit, Pink, Terrence, *takes a breath* Dilon, and BryBry are all my heart and any time I get to spend with them I just love.  No matter what we are doing its always fun when you are around the ones you love!  Everyone is so busy, so if we have time to see eachother it always means a lot to me and I cherish it. I will take quality over quantity time with my family any time. When we do get time to spend together we laugh and have the best time.

I dislike bullies a lot! It hurts me to see someone bullying another for two reasons. One reason is that I can see how hurt the victim is and for no purpose. Second, I feel bad for the bully because they are obviously lacking something in their life and feel the need to put others down. There is no reason to bully. It is a waste of time and energy and only breeds more negativity!

Friday, March 4, 2011


If a bully was picking on me I would be really sad definately but I would also want them to stop. Instead of engaging with the bully, which is just gonna work me up and probably make me say things I regret, I will go to someone safe. Someone safe would be like Ms. Sehra, Ms. Jill, my mommy, my aunties or another adult that can help. I would do the same if I saw someone being bullied because its just not right and I do not stand for that. We cannot always fight our own battles and need helps.

Monday, February 28, 2011


I dislike that I am so critical of myself and I judge myself when others might not even think anything of it. It is all in my head and I make myself out to be bad or not fun. Its just what I think others' view me as, which is not backed up by peoples' actual reaction to me. What I need to do is change how I think and remind myself that I just have to be who I am and cannot control if people like or dislike me.  I can only be the best person I can be and hope that I have lots of caring friends and get lots of respect from others.


What would happen if you loved your neighbor as yourself? What if everyone did?

If I loved my neighbor as I love myself then I would definately show them respectful loving care.  This would be a great example to my neighbors and everyone else around and maybe they would start being nice to their neighbors. If we are kind to those close to us then it makes all our worlds brighter! If you show caring understanding to others they know you respect and care for them and will value you more and maybe return the gesture.

Monday, February 21, 2011


What would happen if people never co-operated? Why do you think it is important to co-operate? Co-operating is very important because nothing would ever get done and no one would ever get anywhere. I think its important to co-operate and come together to compromise to come to one common end.  We all have people in our lives that we need to co-operate with and this a lot of times can be a way to avoid conflict. If we do not work together then things will be crumby and nothing will get done. If we co-operate then we can compromise and move forward and get things accomplished!